Chris Brown - Waiting (X Files)
People Nisheeth will attend the XML Query Face to Face meeting in Seattle on July 25th and 26th.
Tom is on sabbatical till August 25th.
AccomplishmentsHarish Dhurvasula (harishd)
45358 - Helped, Gagan, in getting more info. on this beta2+ bug
Attended O'Reilly conference on Wednesday and Thursday
Triaged Clayton's list and Rickg's list as much as I could ( 6 bugs )
Came across a case where document.write() caused the browser to crash in strict dtd. Debugged it and understood the reason for the crash.
Working on a plan to report HTML errors for Strict DTD.
Heikki Toivonen (heikki) Triaged the bug lists of joki and myself.
Was able to resolve 42827 (INVALID), 45757 (INVALID), 44567 (WORKSFORME)
Familiarized myself with the W3C specs, especially DOM events
Starting to get the hang of Mozilla's implementation of DOM events
Installed Linux on my second computer so now I can take a look at Linux bugs as well.
Johnny Stenback (jst) Sheriffed the tree on Thursday
Worked on triaging new (or reassigned) bugs and also fixed some of those (in my tree)
Worked on nsbeta2+ bug 45019
Talked with Rick Potts about taking over some of his nsbeta2+ (and non nsbeta2+ too) bugs
Nisheeth Ranjan (nisheeth)
Started code reviewing Peter Van der Beken's patches that enable XSL transforms within Mozilla. I have a couple of emails from Peter that answer my initial questions sitting in my inbox that I hope to get to early next week.
Posted Chris Waterson's instructions on how to run the layout regression tests on ( ).
Took session history related bugs from Rick Potts.
Sheriffed the tree on Thursday night.
Attended Managing@AOL and Compensation@AOL classes on Thursday.
Attended the XML Query Working Group teleconference on Wednesday.
Plans for next week Harish Dhurvasula (harishd)Ordering based on priority Reach out to help fixing beta2+ bugs ( most probably Ruslan's).
Get my bug list under control ( have to do this desperately ).
Make sure that SCRIPTs work properly in strict DTD ( very annoying ).
Enable NOSCRIPT for strict DTD ( a definite candidate for beta3 ).
Enable reporting errors for strict DTD ( will be cool to have ).
Heikki Toivonen (heikki) Start fixing DOM Event bugs.
Johnny Stenback (jst) Fixing my nsbeta2+ bugs (the ones that got reassigned to me this week)
Continuing working on my untriaged bugs.
Nisheeth Ranjan (nisheeth) Work on nsbeta2+ bugs.
Attend the XML Query WG face to face meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Lowlights None.Dogfood: None.Beta Stoppers: 5 nsbeta2+ bugs up from 1 nsbeta2+ bug last week. We pulled most of the new bugs from Rick Pott's nsbeta2+ bug list in an effort to unburden him before he goes on vacation next week.28572 (Onunload fires when link opens in different frame or window) - Pulled from Rick's list. ETA 7/2730627 (Frameset onload handler must fire after child documents) - Pulled from Rick's list. ETA 7/2543472 (Crash on exit in optimized full circle enabled builds) - As of Friday evening, this is finally reproducable in a debug build. If you open a file in a new window and then quit the app, the crash on exit occurs. Now the debugging can begin...45663 (Crash reloading page after switching to classic theme) - Pulled from Rick's list on Friday. Not looked at in detail yet.18321 (Javascript frame history doesn't work well with SH) - Pulled from Rick's list on Friday. Not looked at in detail yet.FeaturesNoneIssuesNoneEscalationsNone XPToolkit July 22 Submitted by Peter Trudelle SummaryThe XPToolkit team resolved 39 bugs in the last week, fixing 20 of these, including 11 '+'. For details,see ourresolvedbug list.
HighlightsMike Pinkerton (pinkertoni)
Checked in some patches for pnunn and saari
Helped sfraser with mac GFX problems (bug 42289)
Aided valeski in his webshell -> docshell landing (45723)
Fixed some small beta2+ crashers, see our list
Chris Saari (saari)
Fixed 2 bugs, see our list
Daniel Matejka (danm):
Fixed 3 bugs, see our list
Stuart Parmenter (pavlov):
Fixed 45439 [nsbeta2+]crash, nsbeta3 Crash when dbl click in urlbar; clipboard problem
David Hyatt (hyatt):
Helped bryner with selection/current item issues in tree
Helped waterson with RDF/XUL template issue
Brian Ryner (bryner)
Fixed 9 bugs, including linux filepicker bug with absolute paths (blocked dogfood bug 45986)
LowlightsGary Frattarola has decided that Netscape was not a good fit for him, and resigned. We're sorry to see him go, but wish him well wherever he lands.
Priorities All: Fix new bugs as they get the '+'.Help out anywhere possible.Get nsbeta3 bug lists triaged. saari:39655 [nsbeta2+] 7/24nsbeta2, nsbeta3Switch folder after resize msg pane hides header envelope un?
forward merge joki's changes
hyatt: 45951 [nsbeta2+]nsbeta2Installing profile chrome hides global chrome.
Dogfood 45509 FIXED [dogfood+]dogfoodClassic: New Account Setup is non-functional on Mail app staBeta Stoppers 2 beta stoppers, both shown as priorities above. Load balanced as much as possible ;-)People Stuart Parmenter was away at a Linux developers conference most of this past week, returning Monday.Dan Rosen starts as a regular full-time XPToolkit engineer on Monday!Eric Vaughan will be on vacation for the next month. David Hyatt will be the point of contact for covering box, grid and other stuff Eric owns. Necko/Imglib July 24 Submitted by Gagan Saksena SummarySeveral bug fixes. Almost zaro with nsbeta2+
Fixed the SSL connect problem!
gagan attended the Open Source Conference.
Fixed the SSL Connect and the Jar protocol nsbeta2+ bugs.
Fixed 38244, 46091, 46095
Working on 40084
bug#30852: [nsbeta2+] closed/fixed : found good fix for view-images too!cleaned up code for review. got review from Neeti.
bug#44781: marked FUTURE. cmyk support for jpg. enhancement.
bug#40916: marked as dupe of 36694.
Current Bug Work: bug# 46032 : [nsbeta2+] fix for 30852 broke printing.Need to add view-source img load attribute when we have a printing context.
bug# 41187: Communicator 4.x names the file "gopher-sound.gif" butmozilla names it "gopher-audio.gif". Users are upset that they need tochange their references. If I copy gopher-audio.gif to gopher-sound.gif,then we will have both. The major work is changing build and install scripts.I have it all ready except for the mac build scripts and the xpinstallscripts.
bug#46049: [probably will be nsbeta2+] fix for 30852 puts added channelload attribute on loadgroup.
bug# 40084: determined how to reproduce crash. Documented for Neetiin bug report.
attended the Open Source Conference.
resolved bugs.
wrote a document on proxy auto config (will move it to soon)
LowlightsNone.Dogfood BugsWe have 1 dogfood + bug-- Cache does not store latest value of pages. Thisseems to have been reopened though it works for us. We are investigatingwhether this is indeed still a valid bug.
Beta StoppersWe have 7 nsbeta2+ bugs. 3 of which should be fixed tonite.RisksNone.FeaturesNone.Issues/EscalationsNone. Architecture July 24 Submitted by Warren Harris Highlightsnsbeta2+ bug count down to 1 for the group!
Jar file packaging is getting close.
Found optimization in JavaScript that reduces malloc/free count by 20,000calls, bringing up first window.
Engineering Statuswaterson
Down to zarro [nsbeta2+] boogs. Almost. Fixed two [nsbeta2+] plugin bugs.Implemented "XPCOM plugin" loading mechanism to unblock external developers.Pending review from av, probably be checked in today or Monday.
Started working on nsbeta3 stuff. Have a couple of fixes queued up andready to go for next week.
Helped hyatt get the XUL rewrite of his website working.
Bug fixing and cleanup in the XML Extras component.
Worked with harishd and scc to come up with a proposed solution for parsermemory usage related to tokens and text data. Harish will make parser tokensarena allocated. Scott is working on a segmented string class which willalso allow substrings to point directly into its buffers.
Continued work on the API Review for our embedding API.
Spent a lot of time this week discussing web application model ideas withpeople inside and outside CPD.
no status
Re-reviewed JavaScript 1.5 manual and found many errors in sections notchanged for 1.5, as well as errors in corrected text.
Led sessions about and wrote summary of last week's Microsoft PDC events.
Installed a clean Windows 2000 build on my PC, which is needed to lookat the PDC cd's. Still reinstalling all of my PC applications, whichwere wiped out by the clean install.
no status (has left for 3 week vacation)
Fixed misc. bugs. One notable bug was a perf bug in JS that I discovered.Adding a small stack based buffer saved us over 20,000 malloc/free callpairs in getting the first window up. This is about 10% of those calls.No footprint gains, unfortunately.
Started helping on vidur's web applications stuff.
Working with dprice on jar file packaging.
Fixing status notifications from necko. Moving string bundle access/creationout of necko and into caller. Hope to check in today. (bugs 42107, 40506)
Spent some time trying to get the zip packaging code going on the Mac.Found a bug and reported it to the author. Looking at a workaround now.
Jar file manifests are done save for skins. Need to track down problemstarting the browser because it can't load the overlay files correctly.
MailNews July 24 Submitted by Steve Elmer Thanks! to:Scott MacGregor for getting WebMail integration up off the floor (again)- still waiting on AOL to enable access...
Thanks to everyone who triaged their own bug list! (And special thanksto David for covering Seth's and Jeff's bugs while they're away)
helped timeless@bemail.orgcheck in more menu patches
gave presentation on Mozilla Mail/News at O'Reilly Open Source conference.Slides are available:
Cleaned up Mozilla Mail/News web page, and put mail menus specs onto
IssuesLarge number of beta3 nominees...
Vacations & Sabbaticals!JeffT 7/10-9/5
SSpitzer 7/5-8/26
CHuang 7/24-8/11
Bienvenu 7/31-8/11
RHP 8/18-8/27
MailNewsnsBeta2+Bug List (only 1 left!!)
Bugsclosed last week (1 dogfood, 11 nsbeta2+, 25 total)
nsBeta3Triage (540 candidates)
Profile ManagerClosing out Activation bugs
CCKVarada has kept the CCK builds working.
XPCOM leak tutorial July 24 Submitted by L. David Baron I've written a tutorial on finding leaks of XPCOM objects. It's anannotated list of the steps I took to find a leak (in a roundabout way,for demonstration). I explain how I use the refcount balancer,including the new nsCOMPtr tools, and also quickly describejs_LiveThingToFind. If there are any ways it can be improved, please let me know. -tutorial.html Footprint/Performance July 26 Submitted by Vidur Apparao Parser token and string usageDescription: The parser currently heap allocates small CTokeninstances and keeps them on a recycler list "for performance reasons".The recycler list is currently unbounded in size. Text tokens also usensStrings to store copies of their text data - also heap allocated. Theoverall memory usage shows up high in bloatblame logs. The working setmemory usage also stays pretty high because of the unbounded token recycler.Module owner: harishd@netscape.comTask owner:,,vidur@netscape.comStatus: Harish is looking at arena allocating the token objects.Scott is working on a segmented string implementation which can deal withsubstrings that share the underlying buffer for the token strings.Bugs: 46702 "Super global" for JavaScriptDescription: Currently each DocShell has a script context andscript global object associated with it. For each script global object,we initialize the JavaScript core classes and some DOM classes per documentin the shell. This redundancy has both performance and bloat repercussions.The thought is that we might be able to have "super global" object on whichthe core classes are defined. This would be the JS prototype of the pershell script global.Module owner: jst@netscape.comTask owner:,vidur@netscape.comStatus: JBand to determine the memory used by the core classes.JBand, Vidur and Johnny to determine what could break with a super global.Bugs: 46703 Image LibraryDescription: We have anecdotal information that the image memorycache (not the network memory cache) is not being hit very often. We alsodon't know if the size of the cache is bounded and if it a memory flushlistener.Module owner: pnunn@netscape.comTask owner: Syd to work with Pam to analyze image memory cache usageand size limits.Bugs: 46704 CSS LoaderDescription: Analysis from shows that weare loading the same CSS files from disk at startup time redundantly. TheCSSLoader should be caching compiled CSS style sheets so that we don'thit the disk. Chris' suspicion is that we aren't hitting the cache for@imported stylesheets. Why are we loading the CSS files multiple times?If the cache does exist, is it bounded? It needs to be a memory flush listener.Module owner:,attinasi@netscape.comTask owner: pierre@netscape.comStatus: Pierre to investigate why we are loading the CSS filesmultiple times and not hitting the CSS Loader cache.Bugs: 46548 When to flush memoryDescription: When should the memory flushers be run? The currentthinking is to have a combination of a timer and an IsLowMemory predicate(requires hooking into malloc/free, new/delete for each platform) to determinewhen to run them.Task owner:,wade@netscape.comStatus: Wade to investigate implementing the IsLowMemory perdicate.Bugs: 44352 .xpt file loadingDescription: Currently we're loading more type library informationthan we necessarily use because of the way xpt files are created as partof the module build process. Better factoring of the xpt files could resultin less loading at startup time and less memory usage. Also, the type libraryinfo needs to be a memory flush listener.Module owner:,mccabe@netscape.comTask owner: jband@netscape.comStatus: JBand to investigate either better factoring of typelibsin xpt files or the idea of putting all of the individual small xpt filesinto a single zip file.Bugs: 46707 Networking memory/disk cacheDescription: We have anecdotal information that we're not hittingthe networking memory/disk caches that often. We need to do analysis ofcache hit rates.Module owner: neeti@netscape.comTask owner: gagan@netscape.comStatus: Gagan and Neeti to do analysisBugs: 46708 Component registry loadingDescription: We load and inflate the component registry at startuptime. We've heard anecdotally that the in-memory cost of the componentregistry is 1-3 megs. This hit could become worse if/when we implementRayW's new scheme for prog IDs. Need to see if we can use a better schemeto reduce bloat.Module owner: rayw@netscape.comTask owner:,dougt@netscape.comStatus: Chris and Doug to do analysis of memory usage so wehave real numbers.Bugs: 46709 String bundlesDescription: StringKeysused by string bundle hashtables have showed up fairly high on the bloatblamelist. Each StringKey holds an AutoString which seems wasteful for the keysin the hashtable itself (the AutoStrings are useful during lookup whenthe key is stack allocated). We need to reduce the size of StringKeys.Also, could string bundles be arena allocated?Module owner: ?Task owner: warren@netscape.comStatus: Warren to look into alternatives for StringKeys andstring bundle allocation.Bugs: 46711, 46712 Bloatblame FEDescription: Currently bloatblame is a post-processing tool.We believe we can get much more useful information if we can get more real-timedata of module memory usage. Brendan has been working on the back-end ofthe real-time bloatblame. Wade and Pavlov are both looking into a front-endto display/graph the data.Module owner: brendan@netscape.comTask owner:,pavlov@netscape.comStatus: Brendan is on vacation and we believe that the currentlychecked in version does not implement all the back-end changes necessary.We may need to wait till Brendan returns.Bugs: 46714 Chrome cache analysisDescription: Dougt's analysis about redundant file loading atstartup time shows that we're also loading the same JS chrome file multipletimes. We need to figure out why the chrome cache isn't sharing compiledversions of the JavaScript.Module owner: waterson@netscape.comTask owner: waterson@netscape.comStatus: Chris to determine what's happening hereBugs: 46129 Mail/New bloat analysisDescription: Does mail/news have bloat analysis tasks that shouldgo on this list?Module owner:,alecf@flett.orgTask owner: waterson@netscape.comStatus: Chris to get David or Alec to come to the meeting andsend us a list of tasks.Bugs: 46716 BiDi (Hebrew and Arabic) July 28 Submitted by Mike Kaply We have the code merged to the current level and arewaiting for the approval to check it in now that M17 and nsbeta2have branched. We will also be putting together a Windos binary based on the M17 drop. LDAP July 28 Submitted by Dan